I have submitted four oil paintings to the 60’s Retrospective Exhibit (July 15 to Aug. 16: Artwalk Reception July 17: I hope to see you there.) at the Mistlin Gallery (http://www.ccartassn.org/) 1015 J Street, Modesto CA 95354. You can call the gallery at (209) 529-3369 for further information. The four works I submitted include: Jump, Calabi Yau, Fireworks and Origin of the Eye. These paintings are all older works that I consider among my best and fit into the exhibition theme through their psychodelic characteristics of multi-dimensional brushstroke patterns and brilliant contrasting colors. The gallery curator has hung them all together along the end wall under a set of new LED lights as a test for the revamping of the entire gallery lighting system. I wish to thank them for hanging the works to such great advantage. On the topic of the Mistlin Gallery and the Central California Art Association I should add that I have been invited to join as a member of their Board of Directors. I have agreed to do so and will attend the July 14 meeting to get things going. I hope to help them in their desire to modernize the gallery and make it the best it can possibly be to serve as many aspects of Modesto’s art needs.
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