Sleep of Days is based on a photograph of my models Jenay and Kevin taken in my studio. I love the theme of sleep because it is a time of complete surrender, escape and vulnerability. The body becomes peaceful and at the same time wars with itself. The integration of the figures in an unusual but not improbable relationship was the basis of this brightly illuminated geometrical composition. Though both are reclining on a floor, the vertical of Kevin’s body symbolically supports Jenay’s horizontal form, which both embraces and comforts him. Both are in states of complete relaxation and suspension. The red drapery is symbolic of their passion while the four blue corners reflect the nature of the night. Paint is applied on the figures with subtle transitions from cool to warm, light to dark to emphasize the forms and soft skin textures. Hair shimmers in rhythmic curls expressing the energy of life, while the still drapery has high contrast shadows and highlights to enhance its plasticity.